geidai animation 14
2023.2.17 Fri - 2.19 Sun
横浜会場 神奈川区民文化センター(かなっくホール)
2023.3.10 Fri - 3.12 Sun
東京会場 アキバシアター
チケット 1000円
イベントチケット 1500円
In 2023 , expression is everywhere. It comes at us from all angles, escalated by the advancement and permeation of SNS and AI technologies. One consequence of this is the difficulty it poses for creators to offer new visions to the world. We are smack in the middle of this tumult, and that is why we named our 14th cohort’s thesis exhibition JUICY. We have to pursue expression that is fresh, succulent, and rich in flavor.
A juicy work of art shatters stereotypes and reveals truths that lie deep beneath a harmonious surface. It will continuously pose questions to the viewer and make them ponder. The superficial image is only an entrance to the path it opens.
A juicy state is never constant. It requires the breaking of something and a generous supply of stimuli to our senses. When we encounter this sensation, we are cracking open the shell and facing what’s beneath. It’s not as easy and peaceful as just peeling a fruit. It involves pain and anguish, and there’s no turning back. When we create animation, for a long time we need to stare into our souls and the medium. It’s an art that is composed of a sequence of frames – an art, one might say, that negates the frame that came before the one we are drawing. And that notion could also apply to the creator themself. This medium moves forward by the artist denying the self of before. Only through this process do they get to explore new expressions.
A juicy feeling is fun, always paired with a hint of rebellion. When we bite into a fruit and juices spurt out, we feel the most primitive form of joy – much similar to the way dynamic movement in animation is so glorious.
Please savor our work as if you were crushing a ripe tomato. We hope you will taste both the latent inside flesh and the pure delight of movement.
横浜会場2023.2.17 FRI - 2.19 SUN
- 神奈川区民文化センター(かなっくホール)
- 東神奈川駅前
神奈川県横浜市神奈川区東神奈川 1-10-1
東京会場2023.3.10 FRI - 3.12 SUN
チケット代 1000円
イベントチケット代 1500円
- アキバシアター
- 秋葉原駅徒歩2分
東京都千代田区神田練塀町3 富士ソフトアキバプラザ 2F
- 電話
- 開催前
045-227-6041(平日10:00-17:00) -
- 主催
- 東京藝術大学大学院映像研究科
横浜市文化観光局(横浜会場) - 協力
- 株式会社インコム(東京会場)